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The dialogue for the end of semester exams.

Edi : Hallo, are you Yudha  Yudha : Yes, I am Yudha. Who are you ? Edi : I am Edi. Your classmate when we were in elementary school. Yudha : Really ? Oh my God !! You look so different now that I can’t recognize you ! Edi : Yes, you do not change much so I can recognize you easily. How are you Yudha ? Yudha  : I am fine. What about you ? How have you been ?  Edi  : I doing fine. Do you study in the university now ?  Yudha  : Yes, now I got to college at the Tanjungpura University.  Edi  : Oh, then go to college at the same place. Yudha : Oh, it is nice. Nice to meet you Edi. Edi : Nice to meet you too Yudha. Yudha : Shall we order food first ?  Edi : Oh, it is good idea. Yudha : So, what do you order ? Edi : I want to order Ayam rica-rica. What do you want to order ?  Yudha : I ordered coffee only. Edi : Oh, that good.  Yudha : Why do you want to order Ayam rica-rica ?  Edi : Because I like it, it’s tasty. There is a sour taste and sp
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The Experience of My Trip Memorable

The Experience of My Trip Memorable At that time my voulenteer Earth Hour Pontianak and Mempawah Mangroves are, Conservation (MMC), OI se-Kalbar, Volunteer of the town of Mempawah and the people of the Aquaculture of the planting 10,000 mangrove seedlings in the village of Bakau the Sea.When planting mangrove I followed him with a very happy, why do so because the things I've done is a very useful for the environment in the future. Not only that in this action I also found people more than I am older than me who loves the environment in this. In the planting mangrove I'm joking with my friend to play the mud so that this action is more fun and there are also volunteers OI a very funny to make this action to be more exciting and fun.It is my experience is unforgettable. Because it's for the first time her I did the act. Why am I to this action? ' cause I've been doing it since high school to participate in kerelawanan from down cleaning moats and the river

the Favorite coffee shop at Pontianak City   the Favorite coffee shop at Pontianak City Pontianak the city with alot of the coffee shop make people want to enjoy coffee his distinctive. Well this time I’m gon na take a coffee shop to friends. That is : 1.        The shop coffee “Asiang” , located in the area of Merapi street, which is always crowded visitors open from around 3 a.m and close at 5 p.m. here we have to show you the owner of a blend coffee without wearing clothes. It is a hallmark of him that makes the coffee shop is famous. In addition, a coffee shop has the taste of delicious coffee in any place that support for the visitors to chat leisurely. 2.    Shop coffee “Aming”, shop  this cofffee is located not far from a coffee shop Asiang a coffee shop Aming are located in the hj.Abbas. shop this coffee has the taste of coffee a distinctive to make the audience want to go back again. This place is a lot of the visit the younger child because not only coffee taste is typical o
GOOD FRIEND In the life we definitely need someone to accompany our life is full of the story. The story where we are happy or sad. “The Best Friend”. Hallo all, this time i’m going to share the story of friendship with a woman. She name is Khalda Fiana. How do I know her? a group social media with friend a hobby the photography. How we can end up being good friends? I was invited to the group because in the group  not has been photographer. Finally, i went in the group is one of its member is her. At the time we put together a plan to take pictures and see each other. At the beginning of his or her we met in the park untan to meet and start the session, i as photographer and she as a model. After the meeting time, i was saying thank you to her through chat. But chat it continues about her and want to know her more in. Once the chat for many days i decided to take his way and enjoy a cup of coffee at a cafe in Pontianak. Because often chat and met many times i fee

Me and A Cup Of Coffee

Who don’t know with drinks this one? For the man who was in need of inspiration or peace. This drink is a my favorite. Why that? Cause by having a cup of coffee i had a sense of calm and throught it i can also gave birth to a lot of creative ideas. Go to a lot of the cafe in the morning and night sit down over a cup of coffee seemed to be a tradition for me. A cafe where i want to go for balck coffee that i ordered. For my coffee black. One day, i began the journey is browse the coffee shops in Pontianak. Ot only that, i also made an account the instagram. Which provide information for a coffee place pontianak. The name is account is @pontianakopi. It was welcomed by both by the barista who shop the coffee i’ve done. Here i am lot  of the world coffee in Indonesia throught the story of barista’s. My journey began at tyga perampat life in jl.pang semangai number 16. In the cafe tried coffee  Tanzania Arabica. The coffee i ordered is made by the method of manual brewing the

Individual and discusion group"three level of government "

Answer 1 1.official answer: C. People appointed or selected or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or goverment department 2.mayor answer: official in charge of a goverment department. 3.Senators Answer: A.members of senate 4.Entrust answer: A. to blindly trust a person or a group of people. 5.interest Answer: B.a share or a right in the ownership  of a property in a commercial of financial undertaking. Answer 2 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T Answer 3 1.local goverment, state goverment, federal goverment. 2.task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there. 3.two issues protected by the state department is the health and safety of state citizens 4.-head of state           :president    -head of goverment :prime minister 5.federal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country.

Basic tips before photographing a music concert   Basic tips before photographing a music concert 1.  St 1.  Start from a concert near your neighborhood. Have you ever started learning soccer and immediately dreamed of being called the national team PSSI? mystical is not it? Well this is true also in the world of music concert photography. If you are just beginning to take pictures of music concerts, start small ones first. If you happen to be a student, try to find a music event at your own school or your friend's school. If you happen to be an employee, start from an event at the office. Only then went to a larger music concert, such as a regional music contest. Do not jump too high, start small. Local music events make us less nervous and help us be more familiar with the atmosphere of music concerts in general. Large scale music concerts usually require an official photographer ID mark, so for those of you who are just starting to get hampered by it 2. Recognize the arr